Everyone is going through something

Have you ever compared your life and struggles to others? And while you are doing that, you ask yourself, "How can they think their life is so bad when they haven't gone through half of what I have?" It's easy to fall into this trap, but it's important to remember that everyone is going through something.

Growing up, I always compared my problems with others and rarely showed kindness if I thought their problems were minimal to what other people or myself have gone through. But over time, I have learned that giving people time to dwell on their problems, no matter how small or big, is important.

Not undermining their issues will validate their feelings and potentially move to the next step, finding a solution.

Showing kindness goes a long way. You never know what anyone else is going through and why they feel like they do.

So, I encourage everyone today to take a step back before judging or giving their opinion about someone. Instead, consider being there for the person, learn about their feelings and situation, and just be there to listen. Kindness is free and never goes out of style.


Don’t be afraid to quit!


Embracing Accountability and Granting Yourself Grace